The Roommate(룸메이트), 신경 쓰이는 룸메이트라고도 하지요.
Based on the manga by Yuunagi Kaoru.
The main character, Suguru, was at the depths of despair; he was dumped by his lover, and failed in the entrance exams. He moved to a new apartment to engage in studying for the entrance exam next year. However, he found that his new room was above an erotic night club. When he entered the room, there was a girl changing her clothes.
유나기 카오루의 망가작품을 베이스로 만들어졌다.
메인 빌러인 수근이는 여자와 헤어져서 입학시험에 떨어졌... 비겁한 변명입니다!!!!
그래서 깊은 절망에 빠져 새 아파트로 이사를 갔다.
그러던 중 실수로 들어 간 방에 여성이 므훗 옷을 갈아입는 것이였다!!!!
아직 안 봤으니 판단은 나중.
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