Drop Out(탈락), 그다지 별로다... 너무 대 놓고 해서 그런가...


Based on the erotic manga by Fan no Hitori.

Reika Shichijo was a student at the top of her class, until one day she suddenly became a dropout. Now she is responsible for her classmate Niimi-kun’s sexual pleasure to help him “study” better.

In this world “Dropouts”, those who have failed to be admitted into university, are forcefully made to work. Especially beautiful students are obligated to pursue sexual labour AKA become sexual servants to the rest of society.

Reika becomes the sex slave of one of her former classmates, Niimi-kun. She is now tasked with relieving his sexual tension, so he can study better. During their time in school Niimi-kun will have to adapt to his senpai becoming his new “study” partner, find out why and how she became a dropout and deal with the jealousy of his peers, especially Reika’s ex-boyfriend, Shiroshima

대학에 입학하지 못한 탈락자들 중 특히 어여쁜 아가씨들은 다른 학생들의 성적 노리개가 되어야 하는데 이 중 레이카는 그의 이전 반친구인 니미군의 성노예가 된다는 그런 스토리다... 뭔가 참신하기는 하지만... 위안부 생각도 나고... 너무 노골적이라 그다지 좋아하지 않는 애니다...


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